Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Twitter Experience has brought a whole new meaning to broadcasting yourself on a social network. Of course the younger generation has completely changed its original purpose. While twitter is used for many businesses t promote their business it is also used for many artists to allow their fans to feel more personally connected to them by tweeting about their feelings and their day. I have once said twitter allows me to be with my "friends" even when we aren’t together.

My twitter timeline is filled with celebrities that have encouraging things to say and try staring trending topics to make people laugh.

Trending topics have changed the face of what people keep private
Many tweeters use Trending Topics such as #twitterafterdark, #thoughtsduringsex @sexisgoood #turnons #secretturnon and similiar topics to explcitly talk about their sex lives.
Honestly... it’s the equivalent of walking into a crowded room and announcing to everyone that you would like to tell them all the private details of your sex life. Its not much of a good look and I am not one to speak of what is lady like but it just isn’t attractive to just blurt the details of you sex life to everyone you know.

Twitter also has alot of "tell all" Trending Topics such as #confessions #iadmit and other similar ones. This I don’t necessarily think is negative but sometimes people don’t realize how many of their real feelings they put on the line just for the sake of participating in a trending topic, however I can honestly say that i have grown to enjoy telling people random facts about me. No matter how personal they are as long as I find them tasteful

Many people see twitter as a form of venting. I am one of those people. There are definitely some people who over do it and there are definitely some people who do not think twitter should be used for that purpose. I personally do use twitter to vent but I have learned to not vent about things I do not want to be asked about. a=Again having 80 followers its the equivalent of walking into a room and yelling "i am so angy everyone! I hate this SHIT!" there are times when the details are inappropriate and I have learned to tone down my exact feeling and thoughts when "venting by way of twitter.

Many people I know who use twitter engage in twitter subliminal. They tweet things about people who are following them without mentioning that person they are speaking about. I am very much against this. I do not tweet subliminal on twitter unless i do not want the rest of followers to know who I am referring to even then, it is always specific enough for that person to know that it is about them. Tweeting subliminally is very disrespectful. If you feel a way toward someone i strongly believe they should know and you should tell them. They should not have to read between the lines.

Many people find some tings n twitter pointless ad annoying but they still indulge, The slogan began as "what are you doing?" however no one cares if you are brushing your teeth. The slogan is now "What’s happening" so go on a head, tell your followers "what's happening" but please use discretion.


My life as an Atheist has allowed people to form many opinions of me just because of my religious prefernce. I have never asked anyone to agree with me but to respct my choice. This particular post is for anyone that has ever done one of the folowing: Call an Aheist a "devil worshipper", told them they were goig to hell or invted them o churh to help them change their ways.

My experiences with Atheism

Growing up in the church I decided to let my church mentor know that I was Atheist. The first thing he asked me was if I was gay. (This was because despite havng no gay friends at the time I always tried to help my youth group understand why they shouldnt treat gay people with the disgust the treated them with)

I was mistaken for disliking "the church" (I believe churches are great places. They are where young people attend sunday school and are able to gain morals. For people to go when they need extra hope and exta faith to carry on. Thy ar filled with people who do so man great things for the world around them and for the most part, are filled with people who live their lives well.)

Ive also felt like some of my family members and christian friends look down on me when they found out about my atheism, people who once respected my character.

Why Atheist Should Be Repected

Just as you wouldnt judge your Muslim or Jewish friends because of thier religious preference you shouldnt judge Atheist for that reason. Speaking for myself, lead a resptful life as a nineteen year old Vegeterian virgin with good grades, I participate in activist efforts for my community and provide a positive image for younger women. The only dfference between me and someone who believes in god is that I dont. But I do live my life respetfully and I feel like that shoul be respected adnot disregarded.

Why Its difficult to turn an Atheist into a believer

Of coarse I grew up in the church so i know christian readers are still trying figure out how to turn atheists into believers, and I understand that. If someone doesnt beilieve in God it will be very difficult to have them accept an invitation to church. If someone doesnt believe in God, the thought of going to hell isnt scary,we also dont beleive in hell, or the devil, Therefoe those approaches will never be effective.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

For US By US

Its very easy for people of any race or Gender to be offended by discrimaination by appearance. As a former Actress and Model, I completely understand discrimination and the idea of it does not anger me the way it does some.A few of my friends have been hired by Ambercrombie & Fitch and they all have had stories about their life as a black employee. What do I think? A clothing line that caters to the "surfer appearance" would not make as much money from that crowd if they didnt feature employees that would be able to portray the stereotypical images. Slim females and guys with hot bods. Mostly lighter or tanned skin tones and plane jane hair styles (no curls). Is it wrong for a clothing line, company or store to want to be geared towards catering to a certain community? No. Due to history of enslavement of minorities and REAL white power movements (that still exists) White people doing things for White people is a Taboo and shunned. Yet minorities can have lines that encorage Black, Spanish or Asian Power. I have yet to see a whites only channel yet How many white or Asian (not counting Kimora) people have we seen on BET. How would the media portray a channel titled "White Entertaiment Television." How would you feel if you went to Hooters in search of busty woman to serve your wings and they all had flat chests? Walked into Gucci and saw a Thug behind the counter? Opened a magazine and a gorilla was photographed to advertise a skin care product? Turned to BET and saw a white girl hosting 106 & Park? When it comes to making money in a setting where consumers and the people who impact making the money depend on a visual disciminations is prevelant and not completely unnecesary. This post is not encouraging discrimaintation overall. Especially not in a setting outside of retail and/or /consumer affairs/ media/ television. Discrimination can be a problem. This post was to help people understand someone else's point of view.

Cuffing Season

After expressing my feelings of always feeling softer this time of year on many of my friends on the site automatically brought up the it topic for this weather. Cuffing Season. Although that is not what I was referring to, cuffing season is my favorite time of year to observe. Finding someone special to provide comforbility, have sex, make out, cuddle with, date and or even just sleep in your bed with you through the colder seasons; winter and fall is what Upper High School and College aged students have been referring to a "Cuffing Season", By the time May rolls around, heart break will be prevalent as "cuffers" part to live a wild and sometimes more promiscuous summer. What do I think about cuffing season? Go for it! I never find myself in need of a "cuddle buddy" (Friend that takes the role of a spouse intimately and affectionately, usually found on on-campus living college campus settings) However I don't shun the idea either and welcome it with with my favorite "flames." This is the time of year where extra comfort and body heat is appreciated and welcomed. BUT remember:

If you find your self developing something with someone around this time of year make sure to talk to them and make sure both of you are clear on what your situation is

If you are sexually active and have a cuddle buddy or boyfriend make sure to ALWAYS have condoms ready. (Unless summer babies are in your best interest)

If your emotions start to rage, communicate with your partner, wouldn't want you to end "cuffing season" with a broken heart

Warm Scents:
Try Air Wick Apple Cinnamon, its what I scent my room. Beautiful aura for the room.

School First:
If your on a college campus, try not to let your cuddle buddy interfere with schoolwork, after all its why your there in the FIRST PLACE

Thursday, December 3, 2009

FRIENDS! How many of us have them?

Having friends is taking over the lives of people everywhere. All ages and all locations. I started my first Social networking site when I was 12. I went from constantly checking to obsessively updating my Xanga on until I slowly moved into then and now I am an avid user of both and The one thing that all of these site have in common among other things is this loose use of the term "friends"

On Facebook i have a total of 578 "friends." All of them are able to see my pictures, what events I am attending, how I am feeling and who else I am firends with amongst other things. Im quite sure they all feel pretty close to me. Im quite sure they all think they know me pretty well. Social networking has taken away the essence of going on dates and hanging out to make new friends and associates. Reviewing someone's online profile every once in a while seems to be the easist way to get to know someone. Face to face interaction is seemly more and more of an awkward situation. Do you REALLY know your Friends?

eff aye DOUBLE en DOUBLE "e" ... Dee DOUBLE oh DOUBLE "e"

Fannee Doolee likes and dislikes things that are similar and the people around her are perplexed by this inconsistency. For example, she likes stools but not chairs; she likes coffee but not drinks; she likes rolls but not bread; she likes cheese but not dairy. A ZOOMer would pop up on screen and say, "Fannee Doolee likes _____, but doesn't like_______. Why do you think that is?"

From my favorite childhood television show, Zoom Fannee Doolee is still a phrase I use to descibe my personality as well as things that go on around me. The concept of Fannee Doolee was created to encourage thinking outside the box. I have decided to create this blog to speak about the Unspeakbale Fannee Doolees from my life and the world around me. Decemeber 3, 2009: We are not afraid to write whats on our minds. I understand my opinions are strong and I did not start this blog for anyone to question their own beleifs or thoughts but to understand someone else's point of view. Hope you enjoy!