Its very easy for people of any race or Gender to be offended by discrimaination by appearance. As a former Actress and Model, I completely understand discrimination and the idea of it does not anger me the way it does some.A few of my friends have been hired by Ambercrombie & Fitch and they all have had stories about their life as a black employee. What do I think? A clothing line that caters to the "surfer appearance" would not make as much money from that crowd if they didnt feature employees that would be able to portray the stereotypical images. Slim females and guys with hot bods. Mostly lighter or tanned skin tones and plane jane hair styles (no curls). Is it wrong for a clothing line, company or store to want to be geared towards catering to a certain community? No. Due to history of enslavement of minorities and REAL white power movements (that still exists) White people doing things for White people is a Taboo and shunned. Yet minorities can have lines that encorage Black, Spanish or Asian Power. I have yet to see a whites only channel yet How many white or Asian (not counting Kimora) people have we seen on BET. How would the media portray a channel titled "White Entertaiment Television." How would you feel if you went to Hooters in search of busty woman to serve your wings and they all had flat chests? Walked into Gucci and saw a Thug behind the counter? Opened a magazine and a gorilla was photographed to advertise a skin care product? Turned to BET and saw a white girl hosting 106 & Park? When it comes to making money in a setting where consumers and the people who impact making the money depend on a visual disciminations is prevelant and not completely unnecesary. This post is not encouraging discrimaintation overall. Especially not in a setting outside of retail and/or /consumer affairs/ media/ television. Discrimination can be a problem. This post was to help people understand someone else's point of view.
I think they don't have such things for the white community because the white people are still considered the MAJORITY so of course to make the MINORITIES feel like they are living in a fairly equal society give them BET and Telemundo or even CIN for the Caribbean Americans, because it's something they can share with their communities of people. Look at 90210, Melrose Place, The OC, Heroes, Seinfeld, Drew Carrey, Dharma and Greg, Will and Grace, Friends, Desperate Housewives.. these shows have more WHITES and they are on basic channels which everyone gets. They may have a handful of MINORITIES thrown throughout the shows but the main acts are the MAJORITY. So in my opinion BET is fine for "US" to have within our community.. What is one channel on CABLE TV versus all channels on BASIC TV showing shows where we are still looked at as the MINORITIES??
ReplyDeleteThere are many shows based on African American families. Prime time UPN 9 and Fox. George Lopez Show, also a Hispanic family. All on regular daytime television, I actually feel like The feature more black sitcoms on channel 9 than white ones.