Monday, January 3, 2011

What’s My Name
Well, my name is Simone. I’ve been obsessed with names that define me since I could remember. This past Weekend I took on the name “Simoncè” a play on my name, using Beyonce, who to me is the ultimate diva. I won’t say I carried myself as well as she does but when I’m Simoncè I feel like I’m all that and a back of kettle cooked chips.

I’ve actually taken on quite a few names in my day. A lot of people call me “Simoni” (sim-own-ee). Something I don’t like being called but here’s the story behind that name: in middle school I decided that when I got to high school and the teachers called my name on the attendance, I would correct their pronunciation and tell them its sih- mon-ee. That way ppl would pronounce my name that way. At that time I was into the whole getting dressed up, wearing heels everyday in any weather, get my hair/nails done often phase that i referred to as being a diva. I didn’t think Simone was diva-like enough to represent me. By the time the name stuck, it was and still is mispronounced by people who refused to stop calling me that or correct their pronunciation I know, you wondering why it’s still my name on all of my networks, right? Because I am still her, I am sih-mon-ee Nicole but if you are going to call me that, at least pronounce it properly. Also, I’m still from the old school where I limit the idea of putting my name all over the Internet.

The nickname: it actually took quite some time to arrive at “monie” being my nickname. I got it from BET’s cartoon “Hey Monie” a show I never watched but happened to know that the main character’s name was Simone. Before that I called myself Keisha, Precious Medley, Sim, Lady S, Sim Simma and for some time I even called myself Mo-Mo.

It’s interesting, having a name …. U know? Like we take our name for granted but our name is what represents us. It’s the first thing people who don’t know us hear or see about us. I like my name, now though. I think it represents me. Simone, so simple. Not an outlandish name… Other people have it but it’s not common. It’s pretty and sweet. I love being Simone.

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