Within the past week two of my meetings with predominantly black members hosted discussions that slightly aggravated me. Now the topics discussed included "Why do black people live above their means?" and "Why do black people focus on money, cars, clothes and hoes?" (Disclaimer: That wasn't the exact topic but it the conversation took it there quickly)
Are you SERIOUS? Now growing up I was made to feel like me and my relatives where exceptions to some black rules that I wasn't aware of. However, as a young adult I have way too many peers to still believe that me and my small group were different. Most of my friends and people I hang out with are black and I feel like we, as people play the race card on each other too much.
The idea that black people are the only ones who "live above means" is ridiculous. My personal definition of living above means is to spend more than you earn, therefore spending more money than you can afford to spend. That means that everyone that took out a loan to pay for the college that they wear the Gucci bag (they bought on credit to) is living above their means. Everyone has a different agenda, everyone wants to present themselves the way they believe is best whether are not they can afford it. If Americans in general weren't living "above their means" these banks would be out of business with no credit card, loans or mortgage customers.
Also to think that only black people have groups of people that thrive for lots of cash, cars, clothes and hoes is ridiculous. People who aren't black or don't listen to rap music enjoy trying to live an emulating "rock star lifestyles" too. Just in case you thought rock star, punk clothes or alternative rock; preppy styled clothes from Ambercrombie and Hollister was cheap i suggest you take a look at http://www.HotTopic.com, and http://www.Hollisterco.com just to get an idea. This idea that hip hop head nodding African Americas are the only ones prone to live bigger than our budgets is crazy.
The idea that issues among the African American community is only in the African American community baffles me every time.
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