Ever feel like everyone knows something but you? Well thats my every day life and i KNOW i cant be the only one. Urban dictionary and wikipedia happen to be two of my very close friends. I love music and all but I never know what going on with who and who has beef with who. All i know is: hey i like that song. I never know new terminology, I still say "holla" to agree with someone and "the bomb" when something is hot. (no joke) No making fun of me now, my slang is vintage.
Anyway sometimes I find myself embarrassed when I can't spell simple words, I know it doesn't make me less of a student and potential scholar I actually think I'm pretty intelligent. There are countless times when I want to send a tweet but I make myself wait until I confirm that i spelled a word properly. I cant have my peers thinking i'm illiterate, ya know?
There have been so many times when everyone knows something but me and asking always makes me the bud of a joke, but I like to know things. I find it funny when I see someone say or tweet something and I type it into Google to see what it means. So I dont get put on blast for asking my friends.
On time, I asked a friend what a "shimmy" was and they tweeted about me AND told a Kappa we know. (no biggie though, I love them. My friends are great). Totally wasn't that silly of a question, let me just add that "shimmy" in dance world is very different from "shimmy" in Greek world (im just saying)
Growing up we were taught "Theres no such thing as a stupid question" and I actually still believe in that. If i dont have my Google/urban dictionary handy i ask. I dont mind being the bud of the joke for the moment because I dont know everything and I enjoy learning from my peers. Theres always something new to learn about. Things that i wonder about maybe common sense to others but its cool. So no, I cant spell and no i am not a human dictionary, i dont ever know what going on outside of my happy bubble but I do like to learn and i am never scared to know. So please, enlighten me.
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