Ive always been obsessed with scheduling every minute of my day. As silly and tiresome as that makes me I feel like I'm wasting time if I don't. It started with having a Saturday full of different types of dance classes at age 8 to doing two musicals at one time while assuming full responsibility of my niece, escalated to PM school, cheer-leading, school plays and student government and no one can imagine what its like in college. I even jam pack my vacations. Last summer I had two jobs while taking two classes. Trust me, I'm not bragging, I just need you to have an idea of how obsessed I am with time and how much i need to use all of mine. Its almost like I don't want to have any for myself.
I don't feel accomplished if I dont know what ill be doing every hour of the day. I even started to schedule my shower. I put my friends in time slots and even arrive late so I dont waste time waiting on them (you know? Colored People Time)I leave my house 1/2 hour earlier then what google maps says I should so that I can fit in time to stop stop off for a donut. In the morning I set my alarm clock for an hour and a half earlier so I can have my scheduled snoozes.
Clubs and organizations are very important for me, if I didnt have those to schedule in I would go INSANE with extra time and most likely flunk out of college. I hate when people waste my time. If someone doesn't keep my an appointment with me it makes me very upset because I know there's something else I could have been doing. I once had a friend that ALWAYS canceled on me. My solution to that? Always have back up plans when he made plans with me. Dead space is time wasted.
Maybe other students arent obsessed with time like i am but most of my peers (college trained young adults) are almost always pressed for time. Papers to do, clubs to participate in as well as a Thursday-Sunday full of festivities. Imagine if this is what our life is like now, how will it be when we have to report to work forty hours per week for all 52 weeks (unless your in the education system)? Should we slow down? can we slow down? We never got a chance. In elementary school we needed to compete to be in the soar/astro/javits programs, in middle school we wanted to get into a good High School, In High School we wanted to get into college AND get scholarships in college we need an impressive experience and resume to get a good job and once we GET the job we have to keep it; because all those college kids that graduate after us are going to try to TAKE our jobs.
If you think about it that strategically when will we ever have TIME??? When will we ever get to rest? When we're old and have dementia and cant enjoy it? When we retire at age 70 (since they keep raising the age) and have grand kids to obsess over?
Time is a funny thing, man. We dont have enough of it and if we had more I'm quite sure we would find ways to soak that up too.
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