Monday, December 13, 2010

The Single Woman

Last night I was having a conversation with someone who has been single for three years. Prior to this... she had a been in a long term committed relationship for about 5 years. She, like myself is content with the single life. Interestingly enough I just saw Just Wright. In the movie, Queen Latifah has a hard time finding a boyfriend and was bitter and disappointed that she was so old (35) and couldn't get into a relationship.

Now the person I had the conversation with spoke highly of the single life. I asked her why other girls are so bitter about being single since the life of having options is so enjoyable. She replied "Because they cant find people." Sheesh. Never thought about it that way. That must really hurt some women's feelings. Imagine the idea of going through life feeling like you just aren't good enough. Well... words of advice.

1) The whole man bashing? Thats not going to help. They'll smell your bitterness and run far away.

2) Stop Clinging to these men. You get one and you want to hold on for dear life. If that should be built up. not forced. Forcing is the one guaranteed way to have him leave you.

3) Just chill. You need to know who you are before you go out and find someone else. If you cant find yourself content enough to just be one with yourself, it just may not be healthy for you to be in a relationship.

4) Stop living your life based off of @TheSingleWoman (on twitter) [wanna hear a secret] Men arent going to think your stronger because you RT their cliche quotes and words of advice. They'll actually make judgement on the fact that your following @TheSingleWoman on twitter AND that you find all that crap inspirational

5) LAST but not Least. Youv'e gotten WAY too far in reading a post about how to keep a man from a Single Woman. Do you see why thats a problem? Stop feeding into all this how to get/keep a man stuff in self help books and on the internet. Just be you. If your not you then the next blog you'll be wanting to read is "The Broken-Hearted"

Just some thoughts ladies. Dont be a whore but enjoy your life and your youth. These men, they'll always be here. And since you like cliche stuff anyways.... "If its meant to be itll be"

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